What Does It Mean By Business Account On Whatsapp Whatsapp Business: Un Paso Necesario Para Las Empresas

Are you worried about the security of your online accounts? It’s important to take steps to protect yourself, such as utilizing 2FA security. Here’s how you can make sure your accounts are safe.

What is 2FA Security?

2FA, or two-factor authentication, is a security process that requires users to provide two forms of identification in order to access their accounts. This could include something you know, like a password, and something you have, like a fingerprint or a security token.

2FA Security Illustration image

How to Enable 2FA Security on Your Accounts

Enabling 2FA security is simple and can be done through the settings or security options of your accounts. Here are the steps to enable 2FA on some commonly-used accounts:


  1. Go to your Google account’s security settings.
  2. Select “2-Step Verification” and click “Get started”.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your second form of verification.

Google 2-Step Verification image


  1. Go to your Facebook account’s security settings.
  2. Select “Security and login” and click “Edit” next to “Use two-factor authentication”.
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your second form of verification.

Facebook 2FA image


  1. Go to your Instagram account’s security settings.
  2. Select “Two-Factor Authentication” and choose your preferred method (text message or authentication app).
  3. Follow the prompts to set up your second form of verification.

Instagram 2FA image

What is WhatsApp Business and How to Set it Up

WhatsApp Business is a free mobile app designed for small businesses to connect with their customers. Here’s how to register, set up, and use features for your business.

Registering for WhatsApp Business

To register for a WhatsApp Business account:

  1. Download the WhatsApp Business app from the app store on your mobile device.
  2. Open the app and follow the prompts to verify your phone number.
  3. Enter your business name and profile picture.
  4. Set up your WhatsApp Business account and start connecting with your customers.
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WhatsApp Business Screenshot image

Using WhatsApp Business Features

Once you’ve set up your WhatsApp Business account, you can start using features to connect with your customers. Here are some popular features:

Automated Messages

You can create automated messages to respond to customers when you’re not available. This could include a welcome message, a confirmation message, or a thank you message.


Labels allow you to organize your chats with customers, making it easy to find specific conversations or prioritize urgent messages.


You can create a catalog of products or services to share with customers, making it easy for them to browse and make purchases.

WhatsApp Business Account Illustration image

How to Create a WhatsApp Business Account Without a Phone Number

Do you want to create a WhatsApp Business account, but don’t want to use your personal phone number? Here’s how you can create a WhatsApp Business account without a number.

Steps to Create a WhatsApp Business Account Without a Number

  1. Download and install TextNow on your mobile device.
  2. Sign up for a free TextNow account and get a free phone number.
  3. Download the WhatsApp Business app and select “Agree and continue”.
  4. Enter the TextNow number you received and wait for verification.
  5. Follow the prompts to set up your WhatsApp Business account.

WhatsApp Business Account Without Number Screenshot image

In conclusion, taking steps to protect the security of your online accounts and utilizing tools like WhatsApp Business can help you connect with customers and grow your business. By following these simple steps, you can create a WhatsApp Business account and enable 2FA security to ensure the safety of your accounts.

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